What's in a name? Western Dry Style vs Australian Contemporary Style Gin

Another "Gincore" article.


There are a number of different styles of Gin: London Dry. Australian Contemporary. Flavoured. Poor Tom's. Barrel Aged. No doubt more if you speak to the Bartenders and Spirit Judging Panelists.

To be defined as a Gin, a neutral Spirit must predominantly though not exclusively, feature the taste of Juniper from the berry of Juniperus Communis.  Other botanicals will feature to differing levels commonly being Coriander Seed, Cardamon, Citrus peel, Peppercorns, Cassia, Angelica and Orris Root.  Or as the attached article describes Gin, “A botanical democracy [with] President Juniper holding office.”

At Magpie, our Murrurundi Dry Gin is aimed at the London Dry style category, with it's Juniper forward taste with trailing notes of Fennel and Peppercorn, both local botanicals.  Our popular Orange and Saffron Gin is a Flavoured Gin style with the strong notes from the Iranian Saffron and bruised Orange Peel still underpinned by the Juniper and base botanicals.

In Australia many craft Distilleries are producing outstanding local style Gins which are defined as Australian Contemporary Gins.  Our country's abundance of unique local botanicals and organics, coupled with the outstanding creativity of our Distillers has seen this country produce international award winning Gins that are unmistakably redolent of Australia.  One I'm desperate to try is Applewood's Green Ant Gin, a Spirit that can only be made in Australia.

The attached article talks about the derivation and growth of "Western Dry Style" Gin, which is in essence similar to our Australian Contemporary style.  The author has placed the very popular Bombay Sapphire and Hendrick's within this category.

Doesn't really matter what it's called or it's taxonomy, find a Gin that you like and enjoy it.  Better still, seek out something you haven't tried before and experiment with different mixers and garnishes.  Gin is a drink that can take you around the world.

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