Magpie Distilling is now the proud maker of &Peabody Spirits.

The Next Big Thing

Link to Craft Spirits Magazine article.

An opinion piece from the Craft Spirits Magazine published in the US discussing what will be the "next big thing" in Spirits. 

I find it interesting that tastes differ so much between countries and regions.  The article states that "Americans have been resistant to a Gin revival". Say what? If so, they are the outlier in this with global sales of Gin expected to grow by 7% per year to 2025, having seen double digit growth in some prior years.  In Australia Gin sales are forecast to grow by 6% per year, and at Magpie we plan to be a part of this with our existing three award-winning Gin expressions and more planned for the future.

As to the writer's view of the next big thing - he suggests Brandy or maybe Tequila.  In regard to the latter, be on-trend and try Australia's only paddock-to-bottle Mezcal from Black Snake Distillery, just up the road from Magpie in Narrabri NSW.  They make amazing Spirits that are absolutely worthwhile trying.


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